Friday, September 3, 2010

it's the hols again!

Whee! Here comes the holidays again! teehee~ xD

And let me tell you a secret. I failed the first week of the media fast. Oh Lord, forgive me. For I know not what am I doing. Lol. I'm feeling really, really bad. As in ohmygosh-can't-I-do-it kind of bad, as well as ohmygosh-I-know-I-shouldn't kind of bad and also ohmygosh-I-am-so-sinful kind of bad. Actually I did something else as well, but I do not want to elaborate on it. Do not even ask me to. I feel dirty even thinking of it. *shudders*

Okay. So it's the holidays and I am trying to media fast. OHMYGOSH!! LORD, HAVE THY MERCY ON ME!!! It's hard to resist the computer (especially facebook) when it has already become a lifestyle, a habit. Thank God that He is with me throughout and thank God that tI have a blog ad thank God that I can write my feelings in it. As a conclusion, thank God for computers. Ohmygosh. I have to detach myself from computer before it consumes me. Literally consume me. Eat me up. From my brain. Tear me away from God. Crush my studies. Then my life. In the end, I'm gonna DIE. Yes, I do know that. Argh, but it's like drug. Once you have an overdose of it, you're hooked.

Okay. Let's put that topic aside. It's a depressing fact and doesn't match the happy occasion AT ALL. So, in order for me to forget the computer (there I go again, urgh. See my attachment to the computer?), I am going to occupy myself with any other things that are going to keep me away from the computer (see? SEE??). So, I'm planning to play badminton as much as possible (keep me away from home, as well as seeing the computer), practice lots and lots of piano, study addmaths, chemistry, biology, sejarah, finish theory homework, and the list goes on. You can't expect me to type out the entire list here right? Because if I do, it's gonna go KABOOM! and of course, TALK TO GOD EVERYDAY like i used to (sadly) . Oh yeah, and sing my heart out that is. Haha. :D

And you know what? I'm gonna try to prevent myself from gossiping. I'm also gonna be trying to not think so much about relationships/crushes/anything-to-do-with-stuff-like-that, because before I promised myself that I'm gonna truly fall deeply in love with God first before getting into a relationship. And just for you to know, I know I can't possibly make them come true all by myself, my own strength, but Phillipians 3:14 says that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". So, it's gonna come true I'm sure. :) Thank you Jesus for you love for me.

That's my holiday resolution. I don't go for new yer resolutions.
I aim for short term goals that leads to long term goals.
Get what I mean?

To all my dear Muslim friends, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!!
To my other friends, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

God bless all of you.
The above statement when paraphrased will be, may God be with you.

And always remember to smile!! And also JESUS!! :)

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